Headteacher's Welcome
As Headteacher, this year more than ever, I welcome you to our School website. Since my appointment in 2014, it has been my privilege to welcome students, prospective students and their families to our School, to showcase all we have to offer, to celebrate the achievements of our students and to share in the life of our church School.
This year we have relaunched our website and created a wealth of virtual content to provide you with a flavour of our School, helping you to decide if The Bishop Wand Church of England School is the right School for your child.
With fifty-one years at the centre of the community in Sunbury on Thames and Spelthorne, we have a reputation for exceptional academic achievement, strong Christian values and providing an educational experience which creates high achieving, confident, articulate young people who most importantly love learning.
As a 11-19 School, we offer a seven-year education experience, with academic outcomes at GCSE and A Level, consistently exceeding the national benchmarks. We encourage all our students to complete their seven-year education journey here at Bishop Wand.
Students at Bishop Wand work hard, are well disciplined and are prepared to succeed in the competitive local and global environments in which we live. We are a traditional School in our approach to learning, we believe in high quality teaching in the classroom, supported by a wide range of extra-curricular activities that challenge and support our young people.
Inspiring Minds
Nurturing Spirits
Respecting Difference
We understand our core mission and work tirelessly to realise the God-given Potential in all our students.
God bless
Daniel Aldridge