Home School Agreement
At The Bishop Wand Church of England School we believe that the success of our students depends on a three way partnership between School, staff, students and parent/carers. We ask you to read and sign the following agreement reflecting this partnership.
As a parent / carer I will:
1. Ensure that my child attends School every day and arrives on time.
2. Contact the School on the first day of any illness and all subsequent days.
3. Ensure that I am aware of the School Uniform Policy and that my child adheres to the Policy.
4. Check that my child has the correct equipment and books each day.
5. Ensure the completion of all homework by regularly checking the planner and ‘Satchel:One’
6. Keep myself informed of my child’s progress and behaviour in School through the School’s online portal and the student planner.
7. Attend Parents’ Consultation Evenings and discussion meetings.
8. Notify the School promptly of any change in contact details.
9. Encourage my child to adopt the highest standards of behaviour in School and on their journey to and from School.
10. Support the School Behaviour Policy, including my child attending any detentions given before, during or after School.
11. Support the School Mobile Phone Policy where mobile phones are handed in to the tutor at the beginning of every day or left at home.
12. Be aware of my child’s internet usage, paying specific attention to social media, to help prevent them from being at risk.
13. Recognise the School’s responsibility to report any Safeguarding concerns.
As a student I will:
1. Attend School every day.
2. Wear the full School uniform correctly and be tidy in appearance.
3. Show respect to staff and other students.
4. Respect the School environment and local community.
5. Bring the correct equipment and books to School.
6. Access Satchel:One on a daily basis and ensure all homework is complete.
7. Use and respect the school planner appropriately.
8. Access the School online portal daily to monitor attendance, timetable, rewards and sanctions.
9. Work hard in all lessons and always try to do my best.
10. Show respect, behave well and conduct myself safely.
11. Participate fully and safely in all practical activities.
12. Abide by the Code of Conduct and accept any consequences of not doing so.
13. Use the internet/social media safely and sensibly.
14. Adhere to the School Mobile Phone Policy by handing in my phone every day during tutor time or leaving my phone at home.
15. Recognise the School’s responsibility to report any Safeguarding concerns.
The Bishop Wand School
The School will:
1. Work with you to secure a positive and happy school experience.
2. Educate your child to their full potential.
3. Encourage each student’s individual talents.
4. Provide appropriate care and support in a safe, Christian environment.
5. Celebrate achievement in a variety of ways.
6. Provide a balanced curriculum.
7. Keep you regularly informed as to your child’s progress through the School’s online portal and consultation meetings.
8. Set and mark homework in line with the School Assessment Policy.
9. Keep you informed about School events and activities through the weekly Briefing, via email and School website.
10. Communicate promptly in the event of an emergency or other cause for concern.
11. Help to keep your child informed of internet safety and filter internet sites to keep them protected.
12. Implement our School policies consistently.
13. Report any Safeguarding concern and communicate these concerns (where appropriate) with Parent/Carers and students.
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Home School Agreement 2025-26 |