
Careers and Work Experience

At the Bishop Wand Church of England School, we strive to ensure that all students are prepared, regardless of their background, for further and higher education and employment. This applies to students seeking Post-16 and Post-18 future employment, education or training placements.

Information and guidance are incorporated into the Citizenship Programme that is taught throughout the School to all students. An adviser from Innervate Careers Service is also available to meet with students to discuss their personal interest and plans and a ‘drop in' session is available during the lunchtime on a weekly basis.

In Year 10 students have the Work Experience Programme, which includes a compulsory Mock Job Interview and Feedback Event, which helps prepare young people for their first steps in the world of work. The Programme also includes the opportunity for Year 10 and Year 12 students to undertake a minimum of one week’s work experience, during the summer term.  

Career talks with outside speakers from a wide range of industries and organisations are also arranged for students to attend.

Trips to career fairs, universities and individual businesses and organisations are arranged for students across all key stages, to further enhance their awareness of future career paths.

Mrs Routledge
Head of Citizenship and Work Experience Coordinator


Direct line: 01932 778650


Useful Links – This is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages where you can find help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills or seeking careers advice. – the National Apprenticeship Service website provides general advice and information about apprenticeships.  Also advertises current vacancies.

Other websites – aims to help you to make the most of your potential by showing how others have used theirs, take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz. – investigate careers, watch videos and get great advice, find out about employers and work experience opportunities in your area. – video-based job profile information and skills explorer tool. – gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. ’60 second interviews’ giving profile of professionals, provide a useful insight into specific careers. – offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. Also offers the purchase of resources, compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields, designed to enable you to achieve your dream career or course. A selection of these books and online psychometric testing access have been supplied to the School by How2Become.– opportunities that exist outside of university. – information about university courses on offer, also the Stamford test to help with ideas about subjects to study. – represents 24 leading universities, source of careers information & advice including ‘informed choices’ a downloadable guide to making post 16 choices. - virtual work experience programmes - Operator Technical Intelligence - Business and Human Resources -  Ward Round Live. Virtual hospital work experience course for students aged 15+


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