
Data Protection and GDPR


On 25th May 2018, the UK’s Data Protection Act 1998 was replaced by a new law called the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). This law governs how we collect, use and share people’s information and provides greater rights to individuals and control over how their information is handled by organisations, including schools.

Privacy Policies

We have reviewed and updated our processes around how we use your information. As part of this process we have updated our Privacy Notices, a document which outlines what information we hold on you and your child; what we are going to do with this information and who it will be shared with. A Privacy Notice also explains what rights you may have in relation to GDPR and how to exercise them.

Please find below a copy of our latest Privacy Notice as it relates to Students and Parents.

Data Protection and GDPR Policy

We have reviewed and updated our Data Protection and GDPR Policy. Please find below the latest Policy.

Data Protection Officer

The School has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to monitor and advise on compliance with the Data Protection and GDPR.  If you would like to know further information or would like to contact the School regarding Data Protection and GDPR, please email the DPO at

Further information

If you would like to know further information about the GDPR and your rights, please visit the UK’s data protection regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office at


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GDPR and Data Protection Policy 03rd Jun 2024 Download