Christian Ethos
Christian Ethos
We believe each student is unique and amazing. Our aim is to help everyone realise their God-given potential to positively influence and change themselves, their peers, our local community and our world.
Our School Chaplain’s role is to support students and staff on a personal level and to help everyone integrate the Christian ethos of our School into every aspect of life and learning, contributing to a caring, positive and supportive learning environment.
We have so much to learn from each other and we aim to promote an atmosphere of listening to and learning from each other from wherever our neighbour is at on their faith journey, so respect, understanding and good relationships are built between us.
Each week our School explores a different spiritual theme in form time and through assemblies. These are explored in many varied and creative ways by staff and students who contribute to that special time in the morning that is set apart for reflection on our lives and spiritual development. We are supported by our local churches. Clergy and church youth workers regularly contribute to assemblies and chaplaincy activities.
Please find below details for our School Chaplain, Mrs Ratnayake:
Tel: 01932 778642
Our School's foundation is part of the London Diocesan Board for Schools, the educational arm of the London Diocese. Further information can be found on their website
The Bishop's Building
Our School also has a chapel called ‘The Bishop's Building' where assemblies and chaplaincy activities take place. Our School Chaplain's office is also located in the Bishop's Building. Students and staff of all faiths, or none, are warmly invited to participate in and receive support from the Chaplain and the Christian based groups we facilitate in School.
Groups and Activities
We welcome and value everyone, respecting everyone’s beliefs, wherever they are on their spiritual journey.
This year in School there are:
- opportunities for students to get involved in running assemblies and contributing to them.
- opportunities for students to be on the Chaplaincy Team as the link to their form group.
- pop-up groups and activities that are run to respond to different events in the church calendar, or that meet a particular need in School at any particular point in time. For example, during exam periods we may hold Christian mindfulness, chill-out sessions or creative prayer opportunities. We run groups for students who have recently been bereaved, groups for those who are struggling with anxiety and after school clubs
- opportunities throughout the year for School families to contribute to our two local foodbanks or to receive support from them.
Our School is supported in prayer by Spelthorne Schools’ Prayer Group which parents can join by emailing
Chaplaincy groups and projects change and grow in response to the needs of the School community.
You can find out more about The Church of England here: