Communicating with Parents
Communicating effectively with you about your child’s progress is key to the successful partnership that is formed when you join our School.
Here are the main methods we use to communicate key information to parents throughout the year:
- Parent’s information evenings at the start of the academic year for every year group
- Use of email via the ‘ParentMail’ system
- Weekly briefing with key events – sent via email
- Access to tutors, teachers, Heads of Year and Heads of Department via email and telephone
- satchel:one (previously known as Show My Homework)
Reporting to parents:
You will receive formal reports about your child’s academic progress at least once per term.
- These will be progress reports which give a succinct overview of the effort and attitude displayed by your child and a judgment about the level or grade they are currently working at. Year 7 students will only receive an effort and attitude report for their Autumn Term report.
- The reports are designed to be easily compared to the previous report so you can track progress and see the longer term picture of your child’s success at school.
Meeting Teachers:
During the year there is also a chance for you to meet each of your child’s teachers at a Parents Consultation Evening. Each teacher is available for about 5 minutes to explain face-to-face the progress of each of their students. These are vital opportunities to meet so please make them a priority when planning your own diary.
As well as these formal methods our staff are encouraged to contact home if there are specific concerns and we welcome communication from parents in the just same way. If you have any concerns, please get in contact via telephone or email and we will do our best to resolve the issue and communicate our response.