Information Technology Facilities
The School has a main curriculum network consisting of 360 computers located in three teaching suites and the Library. These computers are used for teaching discrete ICT and by all departments for enhancing their curriculum. There are also networked computers in the Science Area, Sixth Form Study Centre, Music and Technology. In addition over 80 computers are used for administration and teacher use.
The system allows each student the security of their own area to store their work with password protection and the flexibility to access their work from any computer on the network.
The remainder of the networked PCs are other small clusters of computers, ranging in size from 2 to 15 computers, situated throughout the School, running specialist software for the departments in which they are located. These include history, art, food technology and textiles. In the Media Studies department a small suite of networked computers are equipped with video editing.
The main school network is available for student use at lunchtimes and after School. Students are encouraged to use ICT appropriately, to enhance their learning and to produce high quality presentations of their work.
In 2015/2016 the School migrated to Office 365 for all Microsoft Office applications and as part of the licensing arrangements, all students will be able to download the latest version of Microsoft Office to their home PC or tablet (up to 5 devices) free of charge.
Internet access is closely monitored and a filtering system is in place to prevent access to inappropriate sites. The filter is updated frequently. Internet access is also logged to allow us to view records of what sites students have visited. Students will also have a school email account. In some areas of the School we have Wi-Fi installed and students in the 6th Form can use their own devices to access the internet.
To aid communication of set homework, The Bishop Wand School uses an online system called Satchel:One. All homework throughout the School is set on this system. Students also make a record of tasks in their planners.
In addition to providing details of the set homework tasks, staff are able to provide resources or worksheets via the system. Some tasks will be completed online and submitted within the system, other tasks will be paper based and handed in during lessons.
On starting at the School, all students are provided with access to Satchel:One. This system is accessible in School using our single sign-on system called RM Unify. Outside of school, students can either access this system using an app, which is available for IOS and Android devices, or by using any internet browser.
Within the first 6 weeks of term parents/carers are also provided with logins so they can login to see what tasks their child has been set.
When using the app, parents/carers and students will receive reminders of deadlines as notifications on their devices.
In addition to logging on to the system, parents/carers and students can view all homework set within the School via a Satchel:One calendar on our website, which new parents can view from the “quick links” on the home page before their child starts at the School.
Parents/carers are encouraged to ensure student’s login to Satchel:One each day and mark off tasks as completed.